+45 53 77 79 97 info@palindrome.dk
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Survey - Questionnaire


Contacting the leads

Before getting started you must consider whether acquisition is new to your telemarketing partner. Some agencies are primarily used to engage in existing donor dialog such as upgrade and win back campaigns so this approach may be new to them. It’s very important that you keep this in mind when choosing a partner the assignment.

Scripts for the telemarketing agents should be provided to you by the telemarketing agency but to make sure this goes in hand with the lead collecting process please forward the script to us. We are supporting NGO’s world wide and we will provide you with our feedback to the script.


What to expect

With leads provided by us conversation rate should be high due to the collecting methods. Though you must expect a lower entry level rising up to full potential over the first 2 months.

To ensure the best possible contact rates please make sure that the telemarketing agency is contacting the leads multiple times both day and evening.


We are here to help you

If you have any questions not only regarding the leads but the entire process by handling the leads please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Palindrome ApS

Østre Stationsvej 3A

DK – 5500 Middelfart

Phone +45 53 77 79 97


VAT no.: DK-30564847

Fundraiser Friend

Our goal is to reach as high a contact rate and conversion rate as possible, and we want to be our clients preferred partner in lead generation and lead management. We know the challenges and rising issues regarding recruitment of new donors and members within the NGO sector – we are Fundraisers Friend.